
In brief

Countersign is a podcast hosted by Stewart Motha, Professor of Law at Birkbeck. Stewart and guests discuss books, films, and other materials from across disciplines to consider new perspectives on law, difference, and being in common.


Animals as Food: Violence, Labour, Capital

Feat. Dinesh Wadiwel 5th August 2024 1h 6m More Information

Date Title

Animals as Food: Violence, Labour, Capital

Feat. Dinesh Wadiwel 05 Aug 24 1h 6m Information

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Animals as Food: Violence, Labour, Capital

Feat. Dinesh Wadiwel 5th August 2024 1h 6m

Discussing Dinesh Wadiwel’s The War Against Animals (Brill, 2015); and Animals and Capital (Edinburgh University Press, 2023). Wadiwel’s focus on animal agriculture as sovereign violence; and in the later book, the structural place of animal labour in capitalist modes of value generation and reproduction, offer new ways of thinking about animals as food.

Dinesh Wadiwel is Associate Professor in human rights and socio-legal studies, with a background in social and political theory. He is an expert in human animal studies, and disability rights. He has a background working within civil society organisations, including in anti-poverty and disability rights roles.

His edited works include, Wadiwel, D., Chrulew, M. Foucault and Animals (Brill, 2016); and Boyd, M., Chrulew, M., Degeling, C., Mrva-Montoya, A., Probyn-Rapsey, F., Savvides, N., Wadiwel, D. Animals in the Anthropocene: Critical perspectives on non-human futures (Sydney University Press, 2015)

Dinesh Wadiwel
The War Against Animals
Animals and Capital