BIO: Margaret Davies is Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor
College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University, Australia.
Margaret is also author of five other books – Asking the Law Question (4th edition 2017), Delimiting the Law (1996), Are Persons Property (with Ngaire Naffine, 2001), Property: Meanings, Histories, Theories (2007), and Law Unlimited (2017, winner of the SLSA Theory and History Book Prize).
Margaret was a foundation staff member of the Law School at Flinders University and has been a visiting scholar at Birkbeck College, Umea University, UBC, and Victoria University of Wellington, and has held a Leverhulme Visiting Professorship at the University of Kent. She has been a recipient of four Australian Research Council grants, and is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and the Australian Academy of Law.